Nele Eley, DVM, Dr. med. Vet. DipECVDI (Radiology), Germany
European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging & Senior lecturer University of Giessen/Germany, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Radiology. Dr. Ondreka consults from her base at the University of Geissen.
Origin: Frankfurt, Germany
- Rotational Internship: small animal internal medicine and surgery
- 8 years of specialty Practice experience in Diagnostic Imaging
- Specialist training: Residency of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging with board certification in 2013
- Specialty degree Radiology (nat. cert.) cert. hip and elbow dysplasia consultant – FCI/IEWG
- University of Giessen, Germany
- VetSuisse Faculty Berne, Switzerland
- University of Ghent, Belgium
- VetSuisse Faculty Zurich, Switzerland
Publications (peer-reviewed)
Ondreka N, Kramer M.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.
In: BSAVA Manual of Canine & Feline Musculoskeletal Imaging. Chp 2, 2nd ed. BSAVA, Gloucester, UK.
Ondreka N, Ehrmann N, Schmidt MJ.
3D-Morphology of the Atlas in clinically sound toy breed Dogs with and without atlantooccipital overlapping.
Oral Presentation IVRA congress August 2015, Freemantle, Australia / Proceedings Vet Radiol Ultrasound.
Wiesner LK, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Comparison between Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 33 Dogs and 12 Cats with orbital mass lesions.
Oral Presentation IVRA congress August 2015, Freemantle, Australia / Proceedings Vet Radiol Ultrasound.
Nayseh K, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Ultrasonographic examination of the stifle joint in the dog. Part 2: Impaired wound healing and neoplastic, congenital, developmental, degenerative and traumatic disorders.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2015 May 13;43(3).
Nayseh K, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Ultrasonographic examination of the stifle joint in the dog. Part 1: Ultrasonographic anatomy, standardized scanning protocol and common indications.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2015 Apr 13;43(2):120-9.
Schmidt MJ, Laubner S, Kolecka M, Failing K, Moritz A, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Comparison of the Relationship between Cerebral White Matter and Grey Matter in Normal Dogs and Dogs with Lateral Ventricular Enlargement.
PLoS One. 2015 May 4;10(5).
Ondreka N, Schmidt MJ.
Degenerative Erkrankungen des ZNS.
In: MRT-Atlas – ZNS-Befunde bei Hund und Katze. Chp 11, 1st ed. Enke, Stuttgart, Germany.
Wiesner L, Schröder S, Gralla S, Goeck D, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Intraocular osteosarcoma in a dog.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2014;42(3):187-93.
Schmidt MJ, Amort KH, Failing K, Klingler M, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Comparison of the endocranial and brain volumes in brachycephalic dogs, mesaticephalic dogs and Cavalier King Charles spaniels in relation to their body weight.
Acta Vet Scand. 2014 May 13;56:30.
Engelmann N, Ondreka N, Michalik J, Neiger R.
Intra-abdominal Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a dog.
J Vet Intern Med. 2014 May-Jun;28(3):934-8.
Ondreka N, Henrich M, Kramer M, Schmidt MJ.
Co-occurrence of an intraventricular meningioma and cholesterol granuloma of the choroid plexus in a cat.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2013;41(6):408-12.
Schmidt MJ, Volk H, Klingler M, Failing K, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Comparison of closure times for cranial base synchondroses in mesaticephalic, brachycephalic, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs.
Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2013 Sep-Oct;54(5):497-503.
Schmidt MJ, Roth J, Ondreka N, Kramer M, Rummel C.
A potential role for substance P and interleukin-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with neuropathic pain.
J Vet Intern Med. 2013 May-Jun;27(3):530-5.
Ondreka N, Amort KH, Stock KF, Tellhelm B, Klumpp SW, Kramer M, Schmidt MJ.
Skeletal morphology and morphometry of the lumbosacral junction in German shepherd dogs and an evaluation of the possible genetic basis for radiographic findings.
Vet J. 2013 Apr;196(1):64-70.
Schmidt MJ, Kramer M, Ondreka N.
Comparison of the relative occipital bone volume between Cavalier King Charles spaniels with and without syringohydromyelia and French bulldogs.
Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2012 Sep-Oct;53(5):540-4.
Schmidt MJ, Ondreka N, Sauerbrey M, Volk HA, Rummel C, Kramer M.
Volume reduction of the jugular foramina in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with syringomyelia.
BMC Vet Res. 2012 Sep 6;8:158.
Amort KH, Ondreka N, Rudorf H, Stock KF, Distl O, Tellhelm B, Kramer M, Wigger A.
MR-imaging of lumbosacral intervertebral disc degeneration in clinically sound German shepherd dogs compared to other breeds.
Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2012 May-Jun;53(3):289-95.
Schmidt MJ, Langen N, Klumpp S, Nasirimanesh F, Shirvanchi P, Ondreka N, Kramer M.
A study of the comparative anatomy of the brain of domestic ruminants using magnetic resonance imaging.
Vet J. 2012 Jan;191(1):85-93.
Wunderlin N, Ondreka N, Thiel C, Peppler C, Kramer M.
Segmentale kongenitale Atresie des Meatus acusticus externus bei zwei Junghunden und einer adelten Hündin.
Wien Tierarztl Mschr. - Vet Med Austria 01/2012.
Ondreka N, Henrich M, Kramer M, Schmidt MJ.
Co-occurence of an intraventricular meningioma with a cholesterol granuloma of the choroid plexus in a cat.
Oral Presentation EVDI congress 2011, London, UK / Proceedings Vet Radiol Ultrasound.
Stosic A, Ondreka N, Henrich E, Hassdenteufel E, Schneider M.
Chocolate intoxication in a dog.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2011;39(2):111-5.
Ondreka N, Stock KF, Tellhelm B, Distl O, Kramer M.
Comparative anatomy and genetic background of radiographic features of the lumbosacral transition in German Shepherd Dogs.
Oral Presentation EVDI congress 2010, Giessen, Germany / Conference Proceedings Vet Radiol Ultrasound.
Brückner M, Klumpp S, Ondreka N, Huisinga M, Köhler K, Kramer M.
Atypical solitary osteochondroma in a Labrador Retriever.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2010;38(2):97-105.
Klumpp S, Ondreka N, Amort K, Zwick M, Gesierich K, Engert M, Tacke S, Failing K, Kramer M.
Diagnostic value of CT and MRI for the diagnosis of coronoid pathology in the dog.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2010 Feb 11;38(1):7-14.
Since successful completion of my training programmes as a Specialist in Radiology I am Senior lecturer University of Giessen/Germany, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Radiology. Next to Resident and Student training I am a frequent speaker on national and international conferences and CPD courses. I am servicing general and specialty practices as teleradiology consultant and a number of FCI registered kennel Clubs as consultant for hip and elbow dysplasia. My research focuses on advanced cross sectional imaging modalities, kinematics of the spine, achondroplasia, hydrocephalus, and Chiari-like malformation.
I am enthusiastic about small part ultrasonography namely its application in the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nerves, neck, head, eye and more… Small part ultrasonography proves to be an up-to-date modality daily in the cases I see whilst we’ve arrived in the age of MRI and CT. So I’m always very pleased to contribute to the literature on this important and interesting subject next to my current main research focuses in cross sectional imaging and kinematics.