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Splenic Abscess

Patient Information

10 Years



A 10-year-old male bull dog was presented for acute onset listlessness and having a tense abdomen. Abnormalities on clinical examination were a palpable splenic mass and pyrexia. Peripheral blood smear evaluation showed left shift leukocytosis, which was confirmed on full blood count.

Further diagnostics
On abdominal ultrasonography a mottled echogenic mass in the head of spleen, splenomegaly, hyper-echoic gall bladder wall, and a small amount of ascites was evident. Analysis of the ascitic fluid was consistent with a septic exudate. The ultrasonography findings were confirmed on exploratory laparotomy. Splenectomy was done and on histopathology splenic infarction with necrosis and abscess formation was diagnosed. Streptococcus canis was culture both from the ascitic fluid and splenic mass.


A diagnosis of focal splenic abscess with secondary bacterial peritonitis was made in this case. Recovery post surgery was uneventful.