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Crate Training

Providing your puppy or dog with an indoor crate can satisfy the need of many dogs for security. Besides being an effective housebreaking tool, it can also help to reduce separation anxiety, to prevent destructive behavior, and to keep your puppy away from potential dangerous household items.

Most dogs which have been introduced to a crate at a young age think of the crate as their quiet place, their alone place, no-one-can-bother-me place. They do not share their crate with any other dog and of course no children are ever allowed to go in the crate.

We recommend that you provide a crate throughout your dog’s lifetime.

Remember the crate is never to be used as punishment.

Preparing Your Dogs Crate
Toys: Place 2-3 of your dog’s favorite toys in the back of the crate, "Kong", "Twist n Treat", and
"Buster Cubes" are some great interactive toys. You should vary the toys in the crate every few
days so they do not get bored.
Bedding: Place a towel, blanket or bed into the crate; make sure they are machine washable. If
your dog chews the bedding; remove it to prevent him from swallowing the pieces.
For young puppies place newspaper on half of the crate in case they need to void in your
absence. We can not expect our young pups not to have an "accident".

Water: Leave a spill proof bowl with fresh water at all times, though during house breaking you
may want to pick up the bowl one hour prior to bedtime.

Introducing Your Puppy/Dog to the Crate
It is advisable to first crate your puppy for short periods of time while you are home with him.

Once you have set up the crate you need to introduce your puppy to the crate. Occasionally
throughout the day drop small pieces of kibble or treats into the crate. Encourage your pup
to go in and enjoy the treats; praise him when he is in the crate.
Now that he is comfortable going in and out of the crate for treats, put an enrichment toy in the
back of the crate. Let your pup go in for the toy and encourage him to chew it in the crate.
If this training is going well, begin to close the door after your pup enters the crate for a few
seconds, open the door and praise your pup.
As the day goes on try and keep the door closed for longer periods of time.
Placing your puppy in the crate when he's tired with an enrichment toy will often keep your
puppy busy until he falls asleep.

NEVER force a puppy into a crate.

Accidents in the Crate
If your puppy has an accident in the crate while you’re out, Do NOT punish him upon your return.
Simply wash out the crate using a pet odor neutralizer. Do NOT use ammonia based product, as its odor
resembles urine.

The Crate as Punishment
NEVER use the crate as a form of punishment or reprimand. This simply causes the pup to fear
and resent the crate.

Important Reminders
Sufficient daily exercise is important for all puppies; a tired puppy is a better behaved puppy.

Always remove your puppy's collar before placing him in the crate, even a flat buckle collar
can get stuck on the bars or wire

Be certain that your puppy has eliminated shortly before being crated.

References/Suggested Reading Material
Before & After Getting Your Puppy – Dr. Ian Dunbar
The Perfect Puppy-Gwen Bailey
Dog-Friendly Dog Training- Andrea Arden