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CPK, High

The patient is a 14 month old M Miniature Australian Shepherd dog who presented with an acute case of vomiting, lethargy and ataxia.  The owner was unaware of any exposure to toxins or ingestion of obstructive material. Physical exam: 10% dehydrated; mm pink but tacky; abdomen tender on palpation; weight wnl. CBC/Chem: WBC 21,120, decreased cholesterol and protein; elevated CK, ALKP, ALT, BUN and ammonia. Lepto negative.

An 8-year-old MN Ragdoll cat was presented for examination due to ADR. Blood chemistry found hypokalemia, elevated liver enzymes, hyponatremia, and a CPK of 11981. Urinalysis showed a specifi gravity of 1.039, pH 7.5, 3+ protein, RBC 11-20, and WBC 2-3.