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Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Pulmonic Stenosis (PS)

Patient Information

1 Year



ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) and PS (Pulmonic Stenosis). Where there is one congenital defect, there is often another. SonoPath cardiology collaborator Dr. Peter Modler brings us a King Charles Spaniel with an Atrial Septal Defect and Pulmonic Stenosis direct from Austria for the September 2011 case of the month. Take a look at Peter's folder and many cardiology case studies in the specialty folder tab accessible on the home page.

ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) and PS (Pulmonic Stenosis): CKCS, 1,5 years, weight loss, syncope, lethargy. Systolic heart murmur left and right heart base ~ 4/6 intensity inconstant (which goes with inconstant v-max on spectral). Severe type B PS (severe hypoplasia of PV). Additionally small bidirectional Type 2 ASD (seen on right parasternal 4 chamber long axis as well as on short axis views of the heart base) R-L component of this bidirectional shunt was confirmed by bubbles (not seen). Severe RV hypertrophy, small femoral pulse wave. On ECG right axis deviation. Treated first with Atenolol then went on to surgery.
