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Rabbit Physical Exam

Rabbit Physical Examination Checklist

Technician _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________

Client Name _________________________________ Patient Name _____________________________

  1. Observation
    • Relaxed/BAR
    • Timid/QAR/depressed
    • Agitated/vocalizing
    • Heavy breathing/panting/pacing
  1. Weight ___________________________grams

Scale used ______________________________

    • Appropriate weight/too thin/too heavy
  1. Fur/Skin
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Hair loss-location ___________________________________________________________
    • Skin lesions
    • Dry/flaky
    • Greasy/moist dermatitis
    • Masses
  1. Eyes
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Symmetry
    • Discharge
    • Opaque lens
    • Periocular area clean/soiled
    • Missing/thinning fur
    • Masses
    • Ophthalmic exam performed Yes/No

Results ___________________________________________________________________

  1. Ears
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Inflammation
    • Odor
    • Discharge
    • Missing/thinning fur
    • Ear smear performed Yes/No

Results ___________________________________________________________________

  1. Nose
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Discharge/blockage
    • Odor
    • Masses
  1. Mouth/Lips
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Ulcers/crusting
    • Odor
    • Masses
  1. Teeth
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Malocclusion incisors/molars
  1. Paws/Legs
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Irritation/abrasions
    • Hair loss
    • Malformation of legs

Which bone? ______________________________________________________________

    • Painful
    • Toe nail length normal/long
    • Tumors
  1. Abdomen/Body


    • Normal/abnormal
    • Intact/non painful

                 Abdomen Organs

    • Size/normal/abnormal
    • Texture/normal/abnormal
    • Masses
    • Painful
    • Lymph nodes/normal/abnormal
  1. Urinary/Anus Area
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Urine scalding
    • Soft stool/fecal impaction
    • Masses
  1. Genital Area


    • Normal/abnormal
    • Unilateral/bilateral/castrated/unknown

                   Mammary Glands

    • Normal/abnormal
    • Mastitis
    • Masses
  1. Heart/Lungs
    • Normal/abnormal
    • Heart-Murmurs/Pounding/Quiet
    • Listen to all four chambers
    • Respiratory Rate/Sounds-Harsh/Quiet/Wet/Wheezing
    • Listen to Right and Left Lobes
  1. Hydration Status
    • Normal/abnormal

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