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AST (SGOT), High

Patient presents for suspicion of possible Cushing's. LDDST did not support a diagnosis of Cushing’s, however the chemistry panel does have generalized increased liver values; all considered mild-mod. ALT, AST, ALKP all mildly increased. Mild thrombocytosis - likely excitement. SDMA mildly increased. BUN/Crea normal. Abdominal ultrasound was recommended.

Weight loss, diarrhea, decreased appetite, occasional weakness. Glucose checks have been consistently in the low 60s. HCT over 60%, ALT 299, AST 141, BG 61. Recheck BG 64.

The patient was presented for annual exam with a 1-2 month history of decreased appetite. Blood chemistry and CBC found a potassium low at 3.2, chloride low 113, AST high 70, monocytes high 684, and T4/fPL both normal. Repeat bloodwork a month later showed potassium even lower at 2.6. The patient was started on Renacare potassium supplement and abdominal ultrasound was scheduled.  The day of the ultrasound, potassium was rechecked and still low at 2.7; Renacare dose was increased and a month later the potassium level was normal. Post-ultrasound Aldosterone baseline level was high at 1194 (194-388). Prior to surgery she had a normal appetite and energy level, and CBC and chem were normal other than a mildly elevated ALT.

An 8-year-old DSH feline was presented with an acute presentation of jaundice and decreased appetite. He was also pyrexic (40.6 celsius). Blood chemistry: ALT 669, AST 177, TBil 34, ALKP 48, PLI 50, SDMA 14, T4 22. CBC: normocytic normochromic anemia HCT 28% with reticulocyte 11 (<50) non-regenerative. Urinalysis by cysto; spec. gr 1.047, ph 6.5, Bil3+, prot 2+, RBC>50, WBC 3-5, sq ep 1-5, trans ep 1-5. FELV/FIV NEG. Abdominal radiographs clearly demonstrated the presence of a radiopaque density (3 mm) that appears to image in the vicinity of where the major duodenal papilla would be located. The cat has lost almost 0.9 KG (1.9 lbs) over the last year. An abdominal ultrasound was ordered to evaluate the cause of the elevated Tbil and jaundiced appearance of the individual.

An 8-year-old MN Ragdoll cat was presented for examination due to ADR. Blood chemistry found hypokalemia, elevated liver enzymes, hyponatremia, and a CPK of 11981. Urinalysis showed a specifi gravity of 1.039, pH 7.5, 3+ protein, RBC 11-20, and WBC 2-3.

A 4-year-old MN Maltese was presented for an annual exam, but the dog had been noted to be losing weight. Physical exam was unremarkable. Blood chemistry revealed hyperphosphatemia, and elevated ALT, and AST enzyme activities . CBC found leukocytosis consisting of a neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis. The patient was nonresponsive to antibiotic therapy over a 3 week period. The patient was doing well on re-evaluation; he had a good appetite, but was still losing weight. Recheck blood chemistry still showed persistently elevated liver enzyme activities, hypocholesterolemia, low urea and creatinine concentrations. The neutrophilia and monocytosis were still present on the CBC, however thrombocytopenia was also present. Serum bile acids were severely elevated, both pre and post-prandial. A coagulation panel was within normal limits.