Peter Modler was Born in 1977 in Vienna. He graduated from Vienna Veterinary University in 2003 (Dr. med. vet.). In 2002-2003 he had an internship at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. He worked at three referral clinics in Germany and Austria. From 2008 on he has been the head of the cardiology unit at the Traunkreis Vet Clinic - Tierklinik Sattledt in Austria. Peter’s second speciality is surgery, mainly orthopedic surgery and specialised soft tissue surgery. He is small animal specialist (Fachtierarzt fuer Kleintiere) and certified member of the widely recognized Collegium Cardiologicum e.V. He presents frequently and instructs courses in Cardiology. Since 2014 he has been co-owner of the Tierklinik Sattledt which is currently Austria’s largest small animal hospital. His main interests are mitral valve disease, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery. He runs one of a handful of cardiac surgery units worldwide offering open heart surgery (including mitral valve repair) on a routine basis. He is married, has two children and owns three cats.
Published articles:
- Modler P, Modler F. Periodische Extremitaetenbewegung bei einem Dobermann, Therapie mit Pramipexol (Kleintierpraxis, 2009)
- Streitberger A, Hocke V, Modler P.Measurement of pulmonary transit times in healthy cats using the ultrasound contrast media Sonovue: Feasibility reproducibility, and values in 42 cats. J Vet Cardiol 2013; 15(3):181-187.
- Streitberger A, Modler P, Haggstrom J. Increased pulmonary transit times and pulmonary blood volumes in cardiomyopathic cats, J Vet Cardiol, accepted 2014
- Modler P: Moderne Herztherapie beim Hund, Vet Journal, 2010
- Modler P: Spinales Mengiom bei einer Katze, Vet Journal 2008
- Modler P: Herzgeraeusch beim Junghund, News4Vets, 2013
- Bulheller M, Modler P, et al. First steps in the evaluation of Fluctuating Asymmetry as a potential animal welfare indicator: reliability testing. 37th ISAE congress, 2003
- Modler P: Einfluss des Stallklimas auf die Fluktuierende Asymmetrie bei Mastschweinen (Doctor thesis, 2003)
Books /book chapters:
- Kresken, Wendt, Modler: Praxis der Kardiologie Hund und Katze, Enke 2017, 2nd ed. Thieme, 2018
- Lindquist, Lobetti, Frank, Modler: The curbside guide – Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Sonographically Detected Diseases
Presentations: More than 350 presentations in Austria, Europe, US, Canada, and guest lectures at universities.
Case Studies
Articles in PDF