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BUN low

Patient was presented for ataxia, icterus, lethargy, and vomiting. History of atypical vaccine reaction after first DHLPP-ADR, enlarged peripheral LN. The patient has not been 100% since. Blood chemistry and CBC revealed BUN 3, TP 4.3, Alb 1.9, ALT 457, ALKP 869, GGT 20, Tbili 5.1, chol 84, amylase 216 and HCT 31%.

The patient originally presented with a swelling of the lower right palpebrae, a 2 week history of hyporexia, change in treat preference, lethargy, decreased water intake and 2-3lbs of weight loss. Patient began drooling soon after he was sent home on Cefpodoxime, Apoquel and Mycequin for ocular changes. Patient has also been receiving NeoPolyBac ointment along the eyelid.

A 2-year-old FS Beagle mixed breed. Clinical findings: 2 chest nodules. Fever of unknown origin. Vomiting/diarrhea. Altered CBC/Chem/UA values: WBC 20,000. TP 8.3. BUN subnormal at 5. Globulins sl. Elevated. Coag-wnl. HWT-neg.

The patient was presented for vomiting 3-4 days prior. Was recently gagging, not urinating often despite normal drinking. The patient had a decreased appetite or was not eating at all and having innappropriate defecation in the house. Blood chemistry showed liver enzyme elevation and low BUN. Bile Acids test results were high at 464.6 umol/L. An abdominal ultrasound was recommended to rule out PSS, liver disease. possible infection- Lepto? (patient from Ontario, Canada), toxin, glomerulopathy, protein starvation, chronic non-obstructive FB, Addison, glomerulopathy, other.

An 8-year-old FS Maltese was presented for evaluation for severely elevated pre and post-prandial bile acids and mild ALT elevations and subnormal BUN. In addition, the patient was positive for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Seizure activity was present in the history.