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Potassium, Low

An 11-year-old FS DSH cat was presented for poor appetite, hyperthyroidism, and previous episode of hypertension. The patient perked up a bit after receiving SQ fluids, Cerenia, and mirtazapine. CBC was WNL, blood chemistry found phosphorous 2.7, Na 156, K 2.6, bicarb 27, CK 441, Total T-4 7.3, USG 1.021.

12-year-old MN DSH with a history uncontrolled diabetes mellitus was presented for evaluation of ravenous appetite, shaking, and restlessness. Current therapy was 9 IU PZI SQ BID.  Urinalysis showed SG of 1.024 and glycosuria. CBC was within reference range. Abnormalities on serum biochemistry were hyperglycemia, elevated ALT and ALP activity, and hypokalemia. T4 was within reference range.

The patient was presented for annual exam with a 1-2 month history of decreased appetite. Blood chemistry and CBC found a potassium low at 3.2, chloride low 113, AST high 70, monocytes high 684, and T4/fPL both normal. Repeat bloodwork a month later showed potassium even lower at 2.6. The patient was started on Renacare potassium supplement and abdominal ultrasound was scheduled.  The day of the ultrasound, potassium was rechecked and still low at 2.7; Renacare dose was increased and a month later the potassium level was normal. Post-ultrasound Aldosterone baseline level was high at 1194 (194-388). Prior to surgery she had a normal appetite and energy level, and CBC and chem were normal other than a mildly elevated ALT.

An 8-year-old MN Ragdoll cat was presented for examination due to ADR. Blood chemistry found hypokalemia, elevated liver enzymes, hyponatremia, and a CPK of 11981. Urinalysis showed a specifi gravity of 1.039, pH 7.5, 3+ protein, RBC 11-20, and WBC 2-3.