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Weight loss, diarrhea, decreased appetite, occasional weakness. Glucose checks have been consistently in the low 60s. HCT over 60%, ALT 299, AST 141, BG 61. Recheck BG 64.

A 13-year-old MN Pit Bull terrier was presented for evaluation of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargic, and weight loss.  Abnormalities on physical examination were dental tartar and possibly a heart murmur.

A 10-year-old FS Australian Shepherd was presented for evaluation of acute hematemesis, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.  Abnormalities on physical examination were lateral recumbence, dehydration, and pyrexia (106.8).  Blood work showed thrombocytopenia and elevated ALT (655) activity. On survey radiographs possible mass in mid abdomen and hepatomegaly was evident.

A 3-year-old, MN, Catahoula Leopard Dog was presented for a 4 month history of ADR, diarrhea, and vomiting which had acutely worsened within the last 48 hours. Physical examination found the patient with a body score of 2/9 with a 14 lb weight loss, temperature of 102.9, QAR, and mildly dehydrated. CBC/Chem, cPLI, and fecal were all WNL with the exception of an increase in monocytes (11%) with a normal WBC of 14,650. A full abdominal ultrasound was performed.

A 7-year-old FS Bullmastiff was presented for acute diarrhea and decreased appetite.

Sonographic summary: The initial ultrasound findings were: Part of the small intestine presents a 1:1 muscularis/mucosa ratio with decreased motility, mildly obscured wall layering and mild accumulation of chyme. Focal circumferential wall thickening of up to 7 mm with transmural loss of layering is seen in the ileocecal region and is associated with an incomplete obstructive pattern with segmental dilation of the intestine with chyme. The central abdominal mesentery presents a generalized increase in echogenicity with loss of the regular echoarchitecture emphasizing the lymph node and intestinal wall changes. Severe mesenteric lymphadenomegaly of up to 8 cm is noted. The lymph nodes are rounded with a pathologic increase of their short-to-long-axis ratio beyond 0.5. A significant mass effect on the intestine resulting in an incomplete obstructive pattern is noted. The margin to the intestinal wall is obscured. Scant anechoic peritoneal effusion is noted. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspirations were performed for further definition and confirmed a large cell lymphoma. The patient underwent chemotherapy and presented two months later due to extreme ADR since finishing the 2nd round of chemo (Adriamycin), anorexia with the exception of treats, and PU/PD. Subcutaneous lymphoma of a single mass had been detected via FNA 1 week prior, therafter multiple SQ masses developed.

The progression of pre-chemo, post chemo, and escape from remission sonographic images are sequenced below.

A 12-year-old MN Labrador Retriever mix was presented with chronic diarrhea +/- syncopal episodes.Low grade anemia was found on CBC with unremarkable blood chemistry findings.

A 2-year-old FS Beagle mixed breed. Clinical findings: 2 chest nodules. Fever of unknown origin. Vomiting/diarrhea. Altered CBC/Chem/UA values: WBC 20,000. TP 8.3. BUN subnormal at 5. Globulins sl. Elevated. Coag-wnl. HWT-neg.

A 10-year-old FS English Bulldog was presented due to diarrhea, decreased appetite, and vomiting 3-4 times in a day. An interstitial lung pattern was seen on radiographs. Upon physical examination the patient was QAR with a painful abdomen upon palpation. A CBC found WBC 18.8, neutrophils 15416, monocytes 1692, and 0 eosinophils. A blood chemistry found amylase 1678, TP 7.7, globulins 4.4, Creatinine 2.0, and anaplasma positive. A urine culture was negative and a urinalysis showed a specific gravity of 1.007, protein +2, Blood +3, WBC 11-20, and RBC 21-50.

A 6-year FS Havanese with history of vomiting (mostly at night and in morning) for a few weeks; no diarrhea. Recent bloodwork found ALB 16, TP 40, GLOB 24 with other parmaters WNL. A fecal was negative. Urine SG 1.035, no protein on chemstrip and urine pro:crea ratio was pending.

An 11-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was presented for poor appetite and diarrhea. CBC revealed anemia and a hematocrit of 33. Blood chemistry revealed a low total protein of 3.4, albumin of 1.4, and ALKP of 487.

A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with history of diabetes and hyperthyroidism was presented due to vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Physical exam found poor body condition and weight loss. Urinalysis showed SG of 1.017, proteinuria, and hematuria. A coagulation panel was mildly elevated.