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A 10 lb, 9-month-old intact male Shih Tzu puppy with a heart murmur presented for vomiting and lethargy following dietary indiscretion.

A 1-year-old, intact female Labrador Retriever/Great Dane mixed breed was presented for intermittent vomiting. Physical exam found the patient to be thin with pale mucous membranes, and missing left foreleg. The patient was treated with Cerenia after owner deferred diagnostics; while on Cerenia no vomiting was reported. Abdominal ultrasound was performed 12 days after initial visit.

Patient was presented for ataxia, icterus, lethargy, and vomiting. History of atypical vaccine reaction after first DHLPP-ADR, enlarged peripheral LN. The patient has not been 100% since. Blood chemistry and CBC revealed BUN 3, TP 4.3, Alb 1.9, ALT 457, ALKP 869, GGT 20, Tbili 5.1, chol 84, amylase 216 and HCT 31%.

A 4-year-old intact male labrador retriever was presented for depression, weight loss, intermittent vomiting bile, decreased appetite, and greenish, mucoid ocular discharge. Blood work revealed mild leukocytosis and mild hyperglobulinemia.

An 8-year-old male neutered Yorkshire terrier was presented for vomiting, anorexic, lethargy, dehydration, and azotemia. A 2 x 2cm dense mass was palpated in the left inguinal region. Non-reducible. R/O renal disease, pancreatitis. Current meds: Cerenia; Famotidine; Ampicillin; Baytril. CBC: pmns 22K; PCV 67%; TP 9.6; Bun 48; Creat 3; Phos 10 (values improving with fluids).

A 13-year-old MN Pit Bull terrier was presented for evaluation of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargic, and weight loss.  Abnormalities on physical examination were dental tartar and possibly a heart murmur.

A 16-year-old MN Havenese with a history of an adrenal tumor was presented for evaluation of chronic intermittent vomiting for the past 4 weeks. Current therapy was Lysodren, famotidine, carafate, enalapril, amlodipine, and tramadol 50mg ¼ BID.

A 10-year-old FS Australian Shepherd was presented for evaluation of acute hematemesis, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.  Abnormalities on physical examination were lateral recumbence, dehydration, and pyrexia (106.8).  Blood work showed thrombocytopenia and elevated ALT (655) activity. On survey radiographs possible mass in mid abdomen and hepatomegaly was evident.

An 11-year-old FS Tibetan terrier was presented for vomiting for 2 weeks. Physical examination found a palpable mass in the abdomen and pale mucous membranes.

A 3-year-old, MN, Catahoula Leopard Dog was presented for a 4 month history of ADR, diarrhea, and vomiting which had acutely worsened within the last 48 hours. Physical examination found the patient with a body score of 2/9 with a 14 lb weight loss, temperature of 102.9, QAR, and mildly dehydrated. CBC/Chem, cPLI, and fecal were all WNL with the exception of an increase in monocytes (11%) with a normal WBC of 14,650. A full abdominal ultrasound was performed.

A 3-year-old, 60 lb, MN, Labrador Retriever mixed breed canine was presented with a history of possible dietary indiscretion while on a hike with his owner 48 hrs prior. The patient was ADR and had been intermittently vomiting for 24 hrs. Upon physical examination the patient exhibited pain in the caudal abdomen and an abnormal structure could be felt on palpation. Radiographs showed an irregular, semi-circular area in the caudal abdomen. The patient was hospitalized on I.V. fluids and supportive care pending ultrasound.

A 12-year-old, MN, Jack Russell terrier was presented for vomiting and weight loss. Radiographs revealed an abnormal gas pattern.

A female Columbian red-tailed boa was presented for vomiting and 10 months of anorexia and weight loss.

A 2-year-old FS Beagle mixed breed. Clinical findings: 2 chest nodules. Fever of unknown origin. Vomiting/diarrhea. Altered CBC/Chem/UA values: WBC 20,000. TP 8.3. BUN subnormal at 5. Globulins sl. Elevated. Coag-wnl. HWT-neg.

This 11-year-old MN DSH cat vomited all of his food 3 days ago. Owner noticed grass-eating and some vomiting of grass last week. Normal activity and appetite. Currently on Cerenia and SQ fluids. R/O FB vs pancreatitis vs other.

The patient was presented for evaluation due to severe vomiting. The vomiting stopped but the patient was now anorexic. The patient was quiet with a thin body condition. CBC found a low WBC of 3.7. Blood chemistry found albumin 3.7, total protein 7.0, ALKP 43, BUN 43, and cholesterol 79.

A 6-year FS Havanese with history of vomiting (mostly at night and in morning) for a few weeks; no diarrhea. Recent bloodwork found ALB 16, TP 40, GLOB 24 with other parmaters WNL. A fecal was negative. Urine SG 1.035, no protein on chemstrip and urine pro:crea ratio was pending.

The patient was presented for vomiting 3-4 days prior. Was recently gagging, not urinating often despite normal drinking. The patient had a decreased appetite or was not eating at all and having innappropriate defecation in the house. Blood chemistry showed liver enzyme elevation and low BUN. Bile Acids test results were high at 464.6 umol/L. An abdominal ultrasound was recommended to rule out PSS, liver disease. possible infection- Lepto? (patient from Ontario, Canada), toxin, glomerulopathy, protein starvation, chronic non-obstructive FB, Addison, glomerulopathy, other.

A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with history of diabetes and hyperthyroidism was presented due to vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Physical exam found poor body condition and weight loss. Urinalysis showed SG of 1.017, proteinuria, and hematuria. A coagulation panel was mildly elevated.

The patient is a canine Boxer, NM, 5 years of age presented to the clinic by a rescue organization. The patient was emaciated, vomiting and anorexic. Bloodwork was unremarkable. Physical exam revealed a mid abdominal thickening potentially of intestinal origin. Lateral radiograph revealed a mid cranial abdominal mass with mass effect upon the intestinal tract displacing the mesentery caudally. A volume-contracted heart was also visible. Image 1.

An 11-year-old FS Dachshund was presented for evaluation of vomiting, leukocytosis, and a potential mass seen on survey radiographs. Bloodwork on the dog was otherwise normal.