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GGT High

Patient was presented for ataxia, icterus, lethargy, and vomiting. History of atypical vaccine reaction after first DHLPP-ADR, enlarged peripheral LN. The patient has not been 100% since. Blood chemistry and CBC revealed BUN 3, TP 4.3, Alb 1.9, ALT 457, ALKP 869, GGT 20, Tbili 5.1, chol 84, amylase 216 and HCT 31%.

Possible intestinal foreign body, lethargy, weakness. Panting on presentation. Current meds: Cerenia, Unasyn, IVF, Barium series started at 5pm. CBC and blood chemistry from 2/15 showed: WBC 22.57, Neu 18.66, HGB 11.4, PLT 128,. Na 144, ALT 440, ALP 379, GGT 12. In house u/a- USG 1.062, 2wbc/hpf, no bacteria, crystals unclassified 1-5/hpf. U/A pending.

The patient was presented for vomiting, lethargy, and painful cranial abdomen. Blood chemistry revealed BUN 5, glob. 4.7, ALT >1000, Alk.Phos. 1342, GGT 25, and T. bili 2.8. A STAT ultrasound was ordered and performed by ASNW with interpretation done by SonoPath.

The patient is a 14 month old M Miniature Australian Shepherd dog who presented with an acute case of vomiting, lethargy and ataxia.  The owner was unaware of any exposure to toxins or ingestion of obstructive material. Physical exam: 10% dehydrated; mm pink but tacky; abdomen tender on palpation; weight wnl. CBC/Chem: WBC 21,120, decreased cholesterol and protein; elevated CK, ALKP, ALT, BUN and ammonia. Lepto negative.

A 12-year-old M intact Shih Tzu dog was presented for polydipsia of several months' duration. The serum biochemical profile revealed an elevated urea, increased ALT, increased GGT enzyme activities, hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, hypercholesterolemia, and elevated triglycerides. Thrombocytosis was present on the CBC.