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A 10 lb, 9-month-old intact male Shih Tzu puppy with a heart murmur presented for vomiting and lethargy following dietary indiscretion.

Patient was presented for ataxia, icterus, lethargy, and vomiting. History of atypical vaccine reaction after first DHLPP-ADR, enlarged peripheral LN. The patient has not been 100% since. Blood chemistry and CBC revealed BUN 3, TP 4.3, Alb 1.9, ALT 457, ALKP 869, GGT 20, Tbili 5.1, chol 84, amylase 216 and HCT 31%.

The patient was presented for vomiting, lethargy, and painful cranial abdomen. Blood chemistry revealed BUN 5, glob. 4.7, ALT >1000, Alk.Phos. 1342, GGT 25, and T. bili 2.8. A STAT ultrasound was ordered and performed by ASNW with interpretation done by SonoPath.

A 2-year-old MN DLH cat presented for lethargy. CBC/Chem/UA showed BUN of 41, urine specific gravity 1.041, 2+ proteinuria, urine culture (+) for Staphylococcus. Generalized cardiomegaly was noted on radiographs in addition to subnormal renal size.

Hx of TTA performed on both knees. The patient was presented for a mass seen on the right knee. Owner reported the patient seemed more tired and not motivated for walks; limping on right hind limb. Examination of the right leg found a 15 cm invasive mass at the knee. The patient was placed on NSAIDS and scheduled for further diagnostics. CBC/Chem was WNL. 

The patient was presented for straining to defecate x 5 days, a poor appetite, recent vomiting, and possible hematuria. During physical exam a recal stricture was palpated. Blood was noted in the vulva. The patient was treated with Baytril, Cerenia, and IV fluids pending sonographic evaluation.

The patient was presented for vomiting 3-4 days prior. Was recently gagging, not urinating often despite normal drinking. The patient had a decreased appetite or was not eating at all and having innappropriate defecation in the house. Blood chemistry showed liver enzyme elevation and low BUN. Bile Acids test results were high at 464.6 umol/L. An abdominal ultrasound was recommended to rule out PSS, liver disease. possible infection- Lepto? (patient from Ontario, Canada), toxin, glomerulopathy, protein starvation, chronic non-obstructive FB, Addison, glomerulopathy, other.

A 5-year-old male German shepherd was presented for evaluation of progressive pain, lethargy, anorexia, and hunched back following an episode of abdominal trauma - tried to jump over a large hole and hit his abdomen on the edge of the hole.