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Periarticular Histiocytic Sarcoma in a 7-year-old FS Bernese Mountain Dog: Our Case Of the Month January 2018

Patient Information

7 Years
Female, Spayed


Knee (lateral and caudo-cranial projection): Previous TTA (healed). Big soft tissue mass (about 7-8 cm diameter) within the right knee located mainly caudally and medially. Moderate DJD. Apex pattelae seems caudally “eaten” away.
Thorax (right and left lateral projections): Multiple lung nodules within the entire parenchyma.
Enlarged and nearly anechoic medial nodes iliac lymph node.
Enlarged splenic lymph node.
Left thoracic radiographs 2 months post chemotherapy.
Right thoracic radiographs 2 months post chemotherapy.
Iliac lymph node 2 months post chemotherapy.

Bernese Mountain Dogs and Round Cell Neoplasia… what’s the deal and what can we do?

As neoplasia is part of our daily practice, we would like to introduce Julia Buchholz, DVM,, DipACVR (Rad Onc), DipECVDI (add Rad Onc) who is now available for virtual oncology consultations. When you are informed as to the most current treatments available, you can help your clients assess their options, instead of, or prior to referral. Dr. Buchholz’s  career is beyond stellar, so be assured you will be fully prepared to consult with your client. Here is example of a BMD and some inopportune round cell badness associated with a TTA.


Hx of TTA performed on both knees. The patient was presented for a mass seen on the right knee. Owner reported the patient seemed more tired and not motivated for walks; limping on right hind limb. Examination of the right leg found a 15 cm invasive mass at the knee. The patient was placed on NSAIDS and scheduled for further diagnostics. CBC/Chem was WNL. 


Periarticular histiocytic sarcoma knee, suspicion of metastatic disease in the lungs and abdomen (lymph nodes).


FNA of lung nodules and abdominal lymph nodes as well as popliteal lymph nodes were recommended. Bone marrow examination was also offered as a diagnostic option. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy were discussed with the owner as the recommended treatment. Restaging was performed on the patient after 2 months of treatment with chemo (CCNU) and palliative radiotherapy. Complete remission of the lesions in the chest and abdomen was confirmed.


For more about our Teleoncology services click HERE.

If you are interested in submitting cases for teleoncology, but would like more information, please reach out to our team at


Ready to submit your case?

Go to to our CREATE CASE UPLOAD page.

Select Oncology/Consult from the "Interpretation Type" drop down menu.

Select either "initial consult" or "recheck consult" from the "Oncology type" drop down menu.

Select "Dr. Julia Buchholz" from the "Oncology Specialist" drop down menu.

Then select "Routine - 24 Hour Turn-Around M-F" from the "Request Type" drop down menu.