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 12-year-old MN Labrador mixed breed was presented for evaluation of anorexia, vomiting, and lethargy. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were severe leukocytosis,neutrophilia, hemococentration, and elevated ALP (600).

A 13-year-old MN Border Collie was presented for anorexia. Blood chemistry revealed moderate to severe BUN, creatinine and phosphorus with minor ALT, CPK and globulin elevations. Urinalysis revealed isosthenuria was present with a urine PH of 6.0 and some epithelial cells. Clinical dehydration and depression was present. Survey abdominal radiographs and CBC were unreremarkable.

A 7-year-old FS Beagle was presented for vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. Blood chemistry showed a high creatinine, hypercalcemia (not ionized), hypoalbuminemia, and hyperglobulinemia. CBC showed polycythemia with a hematocrit of 65%.

A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with history of diabetes and hyperthyroidism was presented due to vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Physical exam found poor body condition and weight loss. Urinalysis showed SG of 1.017, proteinuria, and hematuria. A coagulation panel was mildly elevated.

Lymphoma Does What Lymphoma Does.

Anorexia, weight loss, “not doin’ right” are the usual signs in cats that make us suspect lymphoma or similar neoplasia but have us hope for pancreatitis, biliary disease, obstructive urolithiasis, orthopedic disease and other treatable disease with similar vague signs. However, when the uncontrolled cell growth of lymphoma strikes and causes every affected organ to “burst at the seams,” this is what the organs under the probe present like which we then sample accordingly. Dr, Marty Henderson of teams up with the amazing Claudia Barton DACVIM (Oncology) for the lymphoma diagnosis in this cat for the January, 2012 SonoPath Case of the month.

Sonogram (Liver): Lizzie

History: A 11-year-old female neutered DSH was presented with a history of anorexia and weight loss. The only abnormality on urinalysis is an inappropriate urine specific gravity ( 1.016). Azotemia is present on serum biochemistry.