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Respiratory distress

The patient initially presented for an echocardiogram due to a heart murmur found during a routine wellness exam. An echocardiogram revealed a ventral septal defect. At a 4-month recheck echo, the patient was experiencing lethargy and labored breathing. Medications at that time were enalapril and furosemide. At a follow up echo a little over 4 months later, the patient presented again for labored breathing and continued lethargy. A few days prior, the patient had undergone a thoracocentesis in which a large amount of clear pleural effusion was aspirated from the chest. Current medications were vetmedin, furosemide, and clopidogrel.

A 13-year-old MN Beagle mix with history of increased weakness and respiratory effort presented for a heart murmur, suspected pulmonary edema, enlarged liver, and possible cranial abdominal mass. The patient was abdominally retracting while breathing, but his mucous membranes remained consistently pink. The patient was started on furosemide 12.5 mg 3 tabs BID and Pimobendan 5 mg BID. CBC and blood chemistry found moderately high WBC count; poss. bands, Alk. Phos. 663. Urine specific gravity was 1.023.