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The patient initially presented for an echocardiogram due to a heart murmur found during a routine wellness exam. An echocardiogram revealed a ventral septal defect. At a 4-month recheck echo, the patient was experiencing lethargy and labored breathing. Medications at that time were enalapril and furosemide. At a follow up echo a little over 4 months later, the patient presented again for labored breathing and continued lethargy. A few days prior, the patient had undergone a thoracocentesis in which a large amount of clear pleural effusion was aspirated from the chest. Current medications were vetmedin, furosemide, and clopidogrel.

A 10 lb, 9-month-old intact male Shih Tzu puppy with a heart murmur presented for vomiting and lethargy following dietary indiscretion.

Patient was presented for ataxia, icterus, lethargy, and vomiting. History of atypical vaccine reaction after first DHLPP-ADR, enlarged peripheral LN. The patient has not been 100% since. Blood chemistry and CBC revealed BUN 3, TP 4.3, Alb 1.9, ALT 457, ALKP 869, GGT 20, Tbili 5.1, chol 84, amylase 216 and HCT 31%.

Possible intestinal foreign body, lethargy, weakness. Panting on presentation. Current meds: Cerenia, Unasyn, IVF, Barium series started at 5pm. CBC and blood chemistry from 2/15 showed: WBC 22.57, Neu 18.66, HGB 11.4, PLT 128,. Na 144, ALT 440, ALP 379, GGT 12. In house u/a- USG 1.062, 2wbc/hpf, no bacteria, crystals unclassified 1-5/hpf. U/A pending.

The patient presented for ADR and hiding which was worsening over time. Blood chemistry, CBC, and urinalysis were both unremarkable. The caudal lumbar area of the patient was uncomfortable upon palpation. Radiographs revealed fused tail vertebrae, enlarged heart, and a mass effect in the chest. A double cavity ultrasound was performed and findings confirmed fused kidneys (which had previously been diagnosed) and a pericardial diaphragmatic hernia was noted. Falciform fat was in the pericardial space. The heart did not appear to be dysfunctional owing to this congenital defect. Due to splenic enlargement FNA of the spleen was recommended.
A few weeks later the patient's clinical signs worsened again. Despite treatment with pain medication, cortisone and antibiotics the patient presented again with dull mentation and not wanting to walk. Upon examination no ataxia or nystagmus was noted but the patient was squinting; there was concern for CNS disease. A CT study was performed at Blairstown Animal Hospital.

An 8-year-old male neutered Yorkshire terrier was presented for vomiting, anorexic, lethargy, dehydration, and azotemia. A 2 x 2cm dense mass was palpated in the left inguinal region. Non-reducible. R/O renal disease, pancreatitis. Current meds: Cerenia; Famotidine; Ampicillin; Baytril. CBC: pmns 22K; PCV 67%; TP 9.6; Bun 48; Creat 3; Phos 10 (values improving with fluids).

The patient originally presented with a swelling of the lower right palpebrae, a 2 week history of hyporexia, change in treat preference, lethargy, decreased water intake and 2-3lbs of weight loss. Patient began drooling soon after he was sent home on Cefpodoxime, Apoquel and Mycequin for ocular changes. Patient has also been receiving NeoPolyBac ointment along the eyelid.

The patient was presented for vomiting, lethargy, and painful cranial abdomen. Blood chemistry revealed BUN 5, glob. 4.7, ALT >1000, Alk.Phos. 1342, GGT 25, and T. bili 2.8. A STAT ultrasound was ordered and performed by ASNW with interpretation done by SonoPath.

Initial Evaluation: The patient presented for examination due to coughing more recently. Was at swim therapy after MPL surgery and therapist heard new heart murmur. PE grade 2/6 heart murmur, harsh lung sounds, moderate effort. The patient is on a grain free lamb and lentil diet. Current Medications: Lasix 20mg PO BID-TID (3-5mg/kg/day), Pimobendan 5mg in AM and 2.5mg in PM.

Ultrasound findings and recommendations from initial echocardiogram are as follows: Chronic degenerative valve disease causing moderate mitral and mild tricuspid regurgitation. Moderate LA dilation is noted, which is concerning for progression in the future. In this small breed with CVD, the systolic dysfunction is striking and unusual. Possible causes include secondary to grain free diet (taurine deficiency), infarct to the myocardial wall, or simply primary dysfunction. Given the recent information on grain free diets, first step is either submit a taurine level and/or change the diet and supplement taurine. Taurine-deficiency is the sole cause of treatable dysfunction, although this patient will still have underlying CVD. Certainly continuing Pimobendan is also recommended, for cardiac support. With moderate LA dilation, there is some risk for CHF, however it is unclear if the Lasix initiated was necessary at this phase. Use of an ACE-I is recommended for long term anti-fibrotic benefit. Further investigation into the cough is recommended through screening chest radiographs, as potentially simple cough suppression may benefit QOL. Finally, a cardiac tumor associated with the aortic root is also identified. The most likely tumor type given this location and the history is a chemodectoma, however other differentials cannot be ruled out. Chemodectomas are often incidental findings, only causing clinical signs if blood flow is obstructed, pericardial effusion occurs, or a metastatic lesion causing systemic issues. The prognosis with cardiac chemodectomas is fair, with a MST of 1-2 years. The limiting factor is often hemorrhage into the pericardium. Other sequelae include impingement of cardiac blood flow secondary to tumor growth, or metastasis to the thorax or abdomen. At this time this is considered an incidental finding, and is unlikely to be causing an clinical issues due to it’s small size.

Plan: Consider screening chest radiographs as discussed. Consider hydrocodone if needed. If no h/o CHF or current concern, consider wean to lower dose: Give 15mg PO q12h. Continue Pimobendan as prescribed. Institute Benazepril 5mg PO q12h. Consider submit taurine levels and/or supplement taurine twice daily. Change to commercial non-grain free diet.

Patient presented 8 months later for lethargy. Current medications: Benazapril 5mgs twice daily, Pimobendan 5mgs a.m. and 2.5mgs p.m., Lasix 10mgs p.m. Blood pressure was 160mmHg. A recheck echocardiogram was performed.

A 13-year-old MN Pit Bull terrier was presented for evaluation of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargic, and weight loss.  Abnormalities on physical examination were dental tartar and possibly a heart murmur.

A 10-year-old FS Australian Shepherd was presented for evaluation of acute hematemesis, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.  Abnormalities on physical examination were lateral recumbence, dehydration, and pyrexia (106.8).  Blood work showed thrombocytopenia and elevated ALT (655) activity. On survey radiographs possible mass in mid abdomen and hepatomegaly was evident.

A 2-year-old MN DLH cat presented for lethargy. CBC/Chem/UA showed BUN of 41, urine specific gravity 1.041, 2+ proteinuria, urine culture (+) for Staphylococcus. Generalized cardiomegaly was noted on radiographs in addition to subnormal renal size.

Hx of TTA performed on both knees. The patient was presented for a mass seen on the right knee. Owner reported the patient seemed more tired and not motivated for walks; limping on right hind limb. Examination of the right leg found a 15 cm invasive mass at the knee. The patient was placed on NSAIDS and scheduled for further diagnostics. CBC/Chem was WNL. 

The patient was presented for intermittent lameness of the left hind for a duration of 1.5 years. Recently the right hind limb is painful, the patient seems more lethargic and does not get up much. Radiographs from previous vet showed mild inflammation of the fat pad of the left stifle. Currently on Rimadyl. Physical exam found no cranial drawer. CBC, blood chemistry, and T4 were all WNL.

A 5-year-old male German shepherd was presented for evaluation of progressive pain, lethargy, anorexia, and hunched back following an episode of abdominal trauma - tried to jump over a large hole and hit his abdomen on the edge of the hole.

 12-year-old MN Labrador mixed breed was presented for evaluation of anorexia, vomiting, and lethargy. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were severe leukocytosis,neutrophilia, hemococentration, and elevated ALP (600).

An 8-year-old F Maltese was presented for examination.  A grade 5/6 systolic heart murmur was noted. Radiographs revealed severe generalized cardiomegaly and an unremarkable pulmonary parenchyma. Moderate hepatomegaly and ascites was additionally noted.