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Abdominal Distension

A 4-year-old MN DLH cat presented for alopecia; he had fleas at the time and was barbering his hair. A palpable, cranial abdominal mass measuring approximately 4.5 cm x 5 cm was found during exam. The initial thought was that the mass was possibly an enlarged lymph node as it was not painful. At a recheck appointment 2 weeks the later the mass was smaller, felt softer, and the cat had lost 1/2 lb. The patient presented 2 years later due to vomiting, over-grooming of himself and his housemates; a possible splenic mass was a concern. After eliminating evidence of a splenic mass on radiographs, an ultrasound was scheduled for further diagnosis.

The patient presented for pre-anesthetic work up for a TPLO surgery and it was noted that the patient's abdomen appeared larger than normal. Radiographs of the abdomen were inconclusive and an ultrasound was performed.

An intact male mixed breed dog was presented for evaluation of 4-5 days of progressive abdominal distension. Abnormalities on laboratory work were heartworm positive and anemia. Survey radiographs showed cardiomegaly and a possible abdominal mass.