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Abdominal Pain

The patient was presented for vomiting, lethargy, and painful cranial abdomen. Blood chemistry revealed BUN 5, glob. 4.7, ALT >1000, Alk.Phos. 1342, GGT 25, and T. bili 2.8. A STAT ultrasound was ordered and performed by ASNW with interpretation done by SonoPath.

The patient was presented for painful abdomen, pyrexia, vomiting, and anorexia. After 12 hours on IVF and supportive care the patient's pyrexia resolved and there was no further vomiting. A painful abdomen persisted and mild icterus was evident in both the sclera and mucous membranes. The patient was treated with Cerenia, Unasyn, Metronidazole, Gabapentin, and Famotidine. Blood chemistry found AST 70, ALT 553, ALK. Phos. 8162, GGT 46, T. Bili. 7.2, K 3.4, Chol. 720, Trig. 609, amylase 2038, PSL 697. Urine specific gravity 1.011, proteinuria 2+, bilirubinuria 3+.

The patient presented for pain in the area of the kidneys, dehydration, and anorexia with increased renal values. The patient initially improved after treatment with I.V. fluids, but the symptoms returned 5 days later. Cerenia, SQ fluids, and buprenorphine were added to the treatment plan. Preliminary blood chemistry revealed BUN 128, creat. 7.6 which improved to a BUN of 29 and a creat. of 2.2; all other parameters were WNL.

A 3-year-old, 60 lb, MN, Labrador Retriever mixed breed canine was presented with a history of possible dietary indiscretion while on a hike with his owner 48 hrs prior. The patient was ADR and had been intermittently vomiting for 24 hrs. Upon physical examination the patient exhibited pain in the caudal abdomen and an abnormal structure could be felt on palpation. Radiographs showed an irregular, semi-circular area in the caudal abdomen. The patient was hospitalized on I.V. fluids and supportive care pending ultrasound.

The patient was presented for straining to defecate x 5 days, a poor appetite, recent vomiting, and possible hematuria. During physical exam a recal stricture was palpated. Blood was noted in the vulva. The patient was treated with Baytril, Cerenia, and IV fluids pending sonographic evaluation.

The patient is a 14 month old M Miniature Australian Shepherd dog who presented with an acute case of vomiting, lethargy and ataxia.  The owner was unaware of any exposure to toxins or ingestion of obstructive material. Physical exam: 10% dehydrated; mm pink but tacky; abdomen tender on palpation; weight wnl. CBC/Chem: WBC 21,120, decreased cholesterol and protein; elevated CK, ALKP, ALT, BUN and ammonia. Lepto negative.

A 5-year-old male German shepherd was presented for evaluation of progressive pain, lethargy, anorexia, and hunched back following an episode of abdominal trauma - tried to jump over a large hole and hit his abdomen on the edge of the hole.