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2013 Cases of the Month

An 8-year-old FS Maltese was presented for evaluation for severely elevated pre and post-prandial bile acids and mild ALT elevations and subnormal BUN. In addition, the patient was positive for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Seizure activity was...

A 16-year-old FS DSH cat with history of diabetes and hyperthyroidism was presented due to vomiting, diarrhea, and anorexia. Physical exam found poor body condition and weight loss. Urinalysis showed SG of 1.017, proteinuria, and hematuria. A...

An intact male mixed breed dog was presented for evaluation of 4-5 days of progressive abdominal distension. Abnormalities on laboratory work were heartworm positive and anemia. Survey radiographs showed cardiomegaly and a possible abdominal mass...

An 8-year-old FS mixed breed dog was referred for partial anorexia and mild lethargy. Mild painful cranial abdomen was noted on physical exam. CBC and chemistry panel were unremarkable. Urinalysis revealed 3+ proteinuria with isosthenuria. Blood...

The patient is a canine Boxer, NM, 5 years of age presented to the clinic by a rescue organization. The patient was emaciated, vomiting and anorexic. Bloodwork was unremarkable. Physical exam revealed a mid abdominal thickening potentially of...

The patient is a 12-year-old spayed female Jack Russell Terrier. The abdomen was progressively swollen on presentation. Only minor anemia was present with otherwise normal blood work. Chest radiographs reveal normal heart size and normal lung...

Sonograms aren't just for the belly and chest. If we don't know what it is, we put a probe on it, sample it, treat it, and put it on a slide. See this poor Labrador with an impressive swelling in the hind limb of unknown origin...

Surprise, surprise, surprise! After 2 months of GI foreign bodies on ultrasound, take a look at this foreign body that was not in the stomach and this is no April fools trick.

Sonogram (Pancreas): Gunner (Name changed to...

Guess The GI Foreign Body Part 2

This month we provide more GI foreign bodies for your sonographic entertainment.

Guess the gastrointestinal foreign body!...Revisited…

Similar to last month, I give you the...